Finding Area of Rectangle, Square, Circle and Triangle – Python Lab Program

FORMULA USED:Area of triangle=1/2breadthheight Area of the Square=lengthlength Area of the rectangle=widthheight Area of the circle=πradiusradius ALGORITHM Step 1: Start the program.Step 2: Get the height and breadth of the triangle.Step 3: Calculate area of triangle using the formula. Area of triangle=1/2breadthheightStep 4: Get the length of the square.Step 5: Calculate area of the square … Read more

Temperature Conversion – Python Lab Program

This program gets the choice of the user whether to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius or Celsius to Fahrenheit then uses IF and ELIF (header) to run the corresponding conversion code within the blocks (suite) this program also includes an ELSE section to run when an invalid choice is given. Note: ch=ch.upper() converts the value … Read more

Python Lab Syllabus and Manual

List of Lab Programs Program to convert the given temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versadepending upon user’s choice. Program to calculate total marks, percentage and grade of a student. Marks obtainedin each of the five subjects are to be input by user. Assign grades according to thefollowing criteria:Grade A: Percentage >=80 Grade B: … Read more